Saturday 5 April 2014

Facebook ID finder Tools

Free Facebook Login And Find ID

Hello Everyone,Today I'm going to talk about Facebook ID finder Tools
There is many People who ask me that how we find someones Facebook Random ID,
We all know Every Facebook Account have a Unique ID  
but after when you signing your own User Name numeric id will not show in your profile url, it redirects to your custom User Name. Here is the trick to get your facebook id number using facebook graph.

What Is Non-customized URL ? (people search)

The Non customized facebook Url is when you see Like I mark Red Line.
Your Address Will be showed in numeric numbers , see blow

What Is Customized URL?

When your Facebook ID is customized After ther .com/ you will enter your Own Name like John.smith
What Ever you want here is Example,i'll use my own facebook page url,

                                                    Just Put your ID Here 


Just Enter your Facebook Username and Click on '"Get Details". 

what will comes After This ?

after This you will able to see your Profile What you want to find ,
   "id": "187996398065858",
   "about": "\nHacking Information must visit\n",
   "can_post": false,
   "category": "Community",
   "checkins": 0,
   "has_added_app": false,
   "is_community_page": false,
   "is_published": true,
   "likes": 86,
   "link": "",
   "name": "Hack 2 High",
   "talking_about_count": 7,
   "username": "hack2high",
   "website": "",
   "were_here_count": 0

Thanks To all hope you like It if you have an Query about this Just Ask me ..


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