Saturday 22 March 2014

What Is Servers And What They Do ?

What Is Servers And What They Do ?

Hello Everyone Today I'm Going To tell you About Servers, You May Know About Hosting And Many Servers Let me Just Tell you There Is 12 kind of Servers, see the List Below

1. Real-Time Communication Servers
Also known as chat servers or IRC, andsometimes known as instant messaging (IM)servers, these servers are meant to allow hugenumber users to exchange informationinstantly.

2. FTP ServersThis is one of the oldest of the Internetservices available. The FTP or File TransferProtocol allows the users to securely transferone or more files of any size between twocomputers.

3. Collaboration ServersIn many ways, collaboration software, oncecalled 'groupware,' demonstrates the originalpower of the Web. Collaboration softwaredesigned to enable users to collaborate,regardless of location, via the Internet or acorporate intranet and to work together in avirtual atmosphere.

4. List ServersList servers lets users better manage theirmass mailing lists like open interactivediscussions or one-way lists to delivernewsletters, announcements or advertising.

5. Telnet ServersThe Telnet server lets the users on to a hostcomputer control and work on remotecomputers.

6. Web ServersAt its core, a Web server serves static contentto a Web browser by loading a file from a diskand serving it across the network to a user'sWeb browser. This entire exchange is mediatedby the browser and server talking to each otherusing HTTP.

7. Virtual ServersA virtual server is a web server which sharesits resources with multiple users. It's anotherway of saying that multiple web sites share theresources of one server.

8. Proxy ServersProxy server is a server which acts as anintermediary for requests between the usersand the servers. Client connects to the proxyserver and the proxy server evaluates therequests sent by the users simplifies them andcontrol their complexities.

9. Mail ServersMail servers help in moving and storing the e-mail over a network via LANs and WANs oracross the Internet.10. Server PlatformsNormally used in same context with that ofoperating systems, server platforms are theplatforms that are under the hardware orsoftware of a system and the hence in theengine that drives the server.

11. Open Source ServersSimilar to server platforms, Open source serverare referred to the underlying open sourceoperating system used in the IT infrastructuresof the companies.

12. Application ServersApplication servers are a type of middlewarewhich connects the database servers and theapp users.


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