Thursday 13 February 2014

How To Hide Your IP Address Online

How To Hide Your IP Address Online 

Hello everyone today I'm going to show you a new ways to hide your IP online , As we know every computer on the internet has a unique IP address to it which makes it possible to trace it back to its exact location. Even though the concept of Internet Protocol address has been designed for its transparency and traceability, in some cases this questions the privacy of the Internet user where one would not like to reveal his/her identity to the outside world. Well, if you are one such person who is in search of ways to hide your IP address online, then you are at the right place. In this post, I will discuss some of the easy and popular ways to hide your IP address, so that your identity and privacy is kept safe.

One of the most Papuler And easy website on inter this will give you A easy wey to hide your IP address online Is to use a proxy sarver In simple words, a proxy server is any server that will act as an intermediary between your computer and the Internet. Instead of communicating directly with the websites or Internet resources, here you communicate with the proxy server which then forwards all your requests to the remote server so as to establish a back and forth communication between your computer and the Internet. So, whenever you are hiding behind a proxy, the Internet or the websites you visit will only see the IP address of the proxy server, so that your real IP address is kept hidden.

Web Proxies TYPE

there Is many type of web Proxies that you can use easy and simple.

Most of these programs come with a free trial where you are required to pay once the trial period expires. The following are some of the popular program based web proxies:

Hide My IP
Hide IP NG

VPN Services:
VPN services Is the one of most common and Reliable Service where you can hide your IP address  and also
protect your data and identify over the internet,
see the few examples Of VPN services That you can


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