(How to Hack Facebook Password )
Backtrack 5 Real Facebook Hacker
- Open Backtrack 5 R3
- Than go to, Application > BackTrack > Exploitation Tools > Social Engineering Tools > Social Engineering Toolkit > Set. (This will open Terminal)
- From the menu select option 1) Social-Engineering Attacks
From next menu select option 2) Website Attack Vectors
Than select option 3) Credential Harvester Attack Method
At least select option 2) Site Cloner
(Than keep this terminal and open new terminal) - In new terminal type "ifconfig" and press enter. You will get the your IP address. (Most probably it is like this : inet addr : )
- Copy and paste the IP address to first terminal and hit enter.
- Now you need enter website URL to clone. So just enter "www.facebook.com"
- Than wait until website was cloned. After finish cloning press enter when terminal displays "Press <return> to continue".
Finally you to send the IP you have used to your victims. After victim login through the IP you will get victim's email and password. And it is displayed in terminal.
This is for educational purpose. Do not use illegally